Random thoughts

Have you ever wondered how certain things came to be? Don’t you sit there some times and think..hmm I wonder how this happened or why this is the way that it is. I know I have. We often engross ourselves thinking about the complexities of life and yet there’s simple unanswered questions we often pretermit. I know I do. Let’s look at a couple of those;

1. Who came up with the first road structure? Like who sat down and said “okay let’s straighten the ground and make it purely concrete and draw lines down the middle”? Why are there so many junctions and roundabouts and all these swerves in the road. Who thought of doing all that? Was the car invented first or a proper road structure?

2. What race were Adam and Eve, cause if you think about it why are there so many different races? If they were black shouldn’t we all be black. If they were white then shouldn’t we be too? If one of them was white and one was black why aren’t we all mixed race then? Did they have navel? And we couldn’t have evolved from monkeys, like one morning you wake up with a straight back and no tail with perfect understanding and perfect speech. And wouldn’t  that mean that only half of us evolved cause monkeys still exist?

3. I know this question has been asked all the time and you’re probably tired of hearing it but erm what came first the chicken or the egg? It couldn’t have been the egg coz then who laid it and if it was the chicken how did it just appear? Maybe they both appeared at the same time. The chicken and the egg.

4. When you die, do you still see what happens here on earth, around all the people you love? Do you know what they’re up to and where they’re going? I know we say ‘looking down on us’ but are you really? Like we’ll probably just be lounging in heaven enjoying all the finer things in the after life (or unhopefully boiling in hell wishing you’d spent your life differently).

5. Who invented the first language? Why are there so many? Like can’t we all just speak one language and get on with it. After the first language was invented, who invented the next one and the next, or were they all created together? Who sat down and thought of coming up with grammar and pronunciation, who decided that ‘choir’ should be pronounced ‘kwa-ya’ instead of ‘cho-yir’? And why do we all have different accents?

6. Who invented Mathematics and why for crying out loud? Who sat down and said we should have a numbers system and you must calculate them a certain way to yield different results. And all these calculative methods; adding, subtracting, dividing and the rest. Don’t even get me started on the person who thought of algebra, like why would you mix Language with Maths? Or maybe it was the same person.

7. Which brings me to school. Who came up with that idea? Who sat down and decided to build an institution that would teach people formal education and there would be different levels finally ending with higher education. Who came up with the first syllabus or the first subject?!

8. Why do some books have blank pages at the very end? Is it just to fill up space, did the author forget what they were meant to fill in there and accidentally send it to the publisher or is it for the readers to write their notes on the novel? Or maybe it they were meant as a picture gallery and the pictures failed to print. Who really knows! It could just be ‘book writing etiquette’.

9.  Who was the first person to milk a cow? Who looked at it and thought “I wonder what will happen if I press or pull at those dingly things underneath the animal. How did it feel for the first cow? How did it feel for the first person that did it?

10. Do blind people see their dreams? Do they even dream? Maybe they just hear voices in their head as they sleep but they can’t really see anything. Or maybe that’s the only time they get to see things. Can blind people be dyslexic as they read Braille?

I’ve got a lot more unanswered questions but I’ll stop here for now. I’ll leave the other rest of them for another day.

Do you have any random unanswered thoughts or questions? You can share some of yours too.

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  1. Who thought of painted nails and why?
    When did paper become the most sought after legal tender? What happened to silver and gold coins?

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